Blocking outbound SMTP

My ISP has adopted a policy of network filtering lately that gets on my nerves. They block all outbound SMTP from their broadband customers except to their mail exchangers. While I think this is a good policy to have as it blocks mail worms and spam they should at least ensure that their mail servers are not overloaded! Forcing me (the paying customer) to suffer because they can’t get it together enough to add some capacity to the mail infrastructure on their network is not a good idea when the local broadband market is so competative.

I mean, I realize that from time to time any large network is going to experience capacity issues, but the mail issue has been going on for months now. I’ve tried to tell their customer support people about it but I get the feeling that nothing’s going to be done about the issue.

In the meantime I’ve setup rinetd on my mail server to accept smtp connections on a non-standard port to avoid port 25 filtering all together.

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